Since every post is made slightly more interesting by a picture,
please enjoy this picture of baby Bella! |
Its definitely time I update my blog! Unfortunately I’ve had to take a small break from etsy. Well its not that unfortunate, because the reason I’m taking a break is because of the recent explosion of my photography business. I knew it would pick up in the spring, but man oh man! :] God has been super good to me. And you know the cool part is, is that God isn’t just good to me! That goes for everyone who will let Him, and put Him first (not that I‘m that great at putting Him first yet.) In fact, I have a friend who I know just loves God, and its made even clearer through her recent success as well! Her name is Amanda Howard and she does photography as well. I even heard she was booked up the last couple weeks! So awesome! Yay, God! He wants that for us all!
You know I posted a status a while ago that said “When God's favor is shown through my life, its not so that i can say, "look how successful I am, look how much God loves ME." Its so that I can then show others how to receive God's favor as well. He pours out on me, so that i can pour out on others. He wants us ALL to be successful for His glory.” And that’s the whole point! I was listening to Bill Johnson and he said something a long the lines of, “If you are a farmer and your crops, as a child of God, flourish during a horrible drought, but your neighbors die off, that’s not so that you can appear better than your neighbor. It’s so that your neighbor will ask, ‘what did you do different than I did?” and guess what you get to tell them and show them!” :]
People have such a negative view of the “prosperity gospel” and I get that. Sometimes there are wrong motives involved. However, God wants us to succeed, all of us. SO when we do well, our job is to help others do well, so that they can help others do well also. And everyone benefits! Especially God because he gets all the glory!
So start today! Pray and pray for favor and success and know that its okay! Then do your part and help someone else out. Whether its giving money to someone in need, praying for someone, or just being a great friend! God rewards obedience, so listen to the holy spirit and his leadings!
God loves you so much!